Connect Google Calendar

Sync Gigbuilder events and meetings with Google

Scott Rosano

Last Update 2 年前

Gigbuilder can sync your events and appointments with Google Calendar.  It only takes a few minutes to configure.

1.  Navigate to Tools -> System Configuration -> Shared Resources

You may set default colors of your events (booked, tentative), the color of your appointments, and the minimum event status necessary to sync.  For example, if you only want to sync events that are pending or booked, set the minimum event status to "pending" which is the default.

Once you have the colors set (you can change them later), press the [Google API Authenticate] and follow the instructions.

If successful you'll see a CONNECTED status.

It may take a day for your existing events to sync -- opening and saving events or appointments will cause an immediate sync.

** Note **

Occasionally we update the API requests with Google and if they have yet to approve the new changes you'll see a message: "Google Hasn't verified this app" -- click the advanced then Go to Gigbuilder (unsafe).  It is currently approved.

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