Client Deposits and Payments

How to control what your client is able to pay

Scott Rosano

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

Using the client center/portal and the proper setup, your client can make payments online.  If you need help setting this up, look below at a couple of related articles.

Sometimes a client may pay a deposit by check and if its not entered properly, the client will be unable to make additional payments online as the system will continue to ask for a deposit payment.

Gigbuilder determines what payments are to be made based on a date field in the event record.  If a deposit-paid date field contains a valid date, Gigbuilder assumes the client will be making additional payments.  If this field is empty, Gigbuilder will continue to ask for a deposit payment.

SOLUTION:  When receiving funds other than online payments, its important to add the information to the event.

OPTION 1: Open the event, edit, click accounting, add a new payment, and make sure the payment type is Deposit/Retainer. Save the event and your client can continue to make payments.

OPTION 2: If not using the accounting in Gigbuilder you can simply open the event, edit, click Dates, and manually entering a deposit paid date. Once saved the client can continue to make payments

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